- Accreditation by the EBRD to participate in its programme aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Belarus
- JSC Gazprom and JSB Gazprombank (CJSС) became majority shareholders
- Engagement in settlements for natural gas between Gazprom, on the one hand, and Beltransgaz and Belarusian entities, on the other.
- Opening of the Brest branch.
- The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus and 22 Belarusian commercial banks opened their accounts with Belgazprombank that helped to restart settlements between Russia and the Republic of Belarus.
- The Bank became a member of Interregional Gas Industry-Banking Group
- Second issue of the Bank's shares
- The Bank was appointed as an authorized bank of Gazprom in Belarus
- Commencement of international leasing operations
- Opening of the Grodno branch
- The EBRD approved the participation of the Bank in its second tranche within the credit line to the Republic of Belarus
- Appointment as Beltransgaz's agent in operations with promissory notes
- All settlements for Russian natural gas between Belarusian entities and Gazprom were directed through the Bank
- The Bank began to work within the EBRD's microlending programme
- Launch of lending under the EBRD programmes aimed at working capital financing and finance leasing
- The third issue of the Bank's shares
- Entering into cooperation agreement with JSC Gazprom providing that all settlements between Belarus and Russia made by Gazprom subsidiaries were to be directed through Belgazprombank
- Transfer by Beltransgaz of its accounts to the Bank
- Receipt of the license for dealing in precious metals
- Start of operations with payment systems Belcard and MasterCard
- The fourth issue of the Bank's shares
- EBRD and the Bank signed a 6 mln US Dollars Loan Agreement for 5 years within the SME programme
- The Bank signed Trade Facilitation Programme Agreement with the EBRD
- Gazprom together with Gazprombank provided the Bank with a subordinated loan of USD 10 mln for 7 years
- Opening of the Gomel branch
- Reorganisation of the Bank's business began
- Belgazprombank became the first bank in Belarus which started to work with Electron Money System EasyPay
- The Bank was included on the Top-50 most rapidly developing banks of Central Europe and CIS by the Banker magazine
- Assignment by Fitch Ratings of long-term issuer default rating in FX at "B-"
- The fifth issue of the Bank's shares preserved the Bank's shareholders structure (Gazprom Group owns 67.82% stake in the Bank, Beltransgaz – 23.50% and the Belarusian Government - 8.63%)
- The EBRD and the Bank signed another Loan Agreement of USD 4 mln for 5 years within the SME programme
- The IFC certified the Bank to participate in its long-term (5 years) unsecured credit line in the amount of USD 5 mln
- The first bank in Belarus to issue corporate bonds in the amount of BYR 10 bln (USD 4.6 mln equivalent)
- A debut USD 15 mln loan from a syndicate of European banks
- A new system of consumer lending DELAY introduced
- Fitch Ratings affirmed the Bank's Issuer Default Rating at “B-“
- A USD 5 mln loan received from Gazprombank for SME programmes
- A USD 21 mln syndicated loan was raised at the international markets
- The extension and increase of the debut syndicated facility from USD 5 up to USD 21 mln in equivalent
- Award "The Best Bank providing services to entrepreneurs" assigned to Belgazprombank
- Belgazprombank won the national contest "Brand of the year 2006"
- A new microlending product express-loan (max USD 10k) introduced to customers
- Belgazprombank became the first Belarusian bank which launched internet-acquiring for banking plastic cards
- A USD 7 mln loan received from Gazprombank for SME programmes
- The Bank introduced a new consumer lending system Quick Money based on the credit cards
- Belgazprombank honoured as "The Best Bank providing services to entrepreneurs" in the Republic of Belarus for the second consecutive year
- Belgazprombank awarded with a diploma for the contribution to the development of the Belarusian business society within the framework of the national contest "Brand of the Year 2006"
- In June 2007 Belgazprombank entered into the third syndicated facility agreement arranged by BayernLB, VTB and Gazprombank. The deal oversubscribed from initial USD 25 mln to USD 50 mln was signed in the amount of USD 35 mln
- The sixth issue of the Bank's shares. Following the purchase of shares by Gazprom and its subsidiary Gazprombank in October 2007, the share of Gazprom Group in the shareholder capital of Belgazprombank increased to 85.46%, the share of Beltransgaz – 10.62% and the Belarusian Government - 3.9%
- In September EBRD opened its third MSME credit line in favour of Belgazprombank in the amount of USD 5 mln
- Fitch Ratings upgraded the Bank's Issuer Default Rating to "B"
- In November Belgazprombank entered into the forth syndicated facility agreement arranged by BayernLB, VTB and Gazprombank in the amount of USD 35 mln
- The Bank started cooperation with a new money transfers system Unistream
- Opening of a banking service centre in Mogilev
- In April 22, 2008 the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus completed the official registration of the USD 75 mln capital inflow from Belgazprombank's main Russian shareholders – Gazprom and Gazprombank
- In April 2008 Mogilev banking service centre has been converted into a regional branch
- In April 2008 EBRD and Belgazprombank signed a Revolving Credit Agreement
- Belgazprombank won the national contest "The Best Entrepreneur of the Year" for the third consecutive year
- Belgazprombank was granted a diploma for the significant contribution to the development of entrepreneurship from Business Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers n.a. M.S. Kunyavsky
- In March 2008 the General Meeting of Shareholders approved the Bank's mid-term strategy for the period 2008-2011 which showed the Bank's ability to improve its future financial results
- In June 2008 the USD 35 mln Trade Related Syndicated Facility attracted in June 2007 was successfully extended and increased up to USD 45 mln
- STP Excellence Award from Commerzbank AG
- In November 2008 the USD 35 mln Trade Related Syndicated Facility attracted in June 2007 was successfully extended
- In October 2008 EBRD Board approved an MSME Credit Facility in the amount of USD 40MM, the first tranche of which was disbursed in December 2008 in the amount of USD 10 MM for 5 years
- In April 2009 Fitch Ratings upgraded Belgazprombank’s Individual Rating to ‘D/E’ from ‘E’ and simultaneously affirmed BGPB’s other ratings
- In June 2009 EBRD increased its TFP/RCA credit line from USD 1 mln to USD 10 mln
- In July 2009 Belgazprombank joined IFC GTFP framework, the limit within this framework was established in the amount of USD 30 mln
- In July 2009 EBRD and Belgazprombank signed another MSME Facility in the amount of USD 30 mln
- On October 21 2009 the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus completed the official registration of the USD 75 mln capital inflow from Belgazprombank's main Russian shareholders – Gazprom and Gazprombank
- In 2010 Belgazprombank celebrated its 20th Anniversary
- In May 2010 EBRD increased its TFP/RCA credit line from USD 10 mln to USD 20 mln
- In May 2010 EBRD and Belgazprombank signed RUB RCA aimed at supporting Belarus trade flows with Russia
- In August 2010 Belgazprombank attracted a new investor to the Belarusian market – European Fund for Southeast Europe, the largest microfinance fund in Europe that provided Belgazprombank a USD 15 mln 5-year MSE Facility and a USD 15 mln 9-year Housing Finance Facility
- In October 2010 IFC increased its GTFP credit line from USD 20 mln to USD 60 mln
- In November 2010 Belgazprombank signed the General Terms and Conditions of USD 20 mln Trade Finance Facility from Eurasian Development Bank, a multilateral institution formed by Russia, Kazakhstan, Tadjikistan, Belarus and Uzbekistan
- In December 2010 EBRD increased its TFP/RCA credit line from USD 20 mln to USD 40 mln
- For the third time Belgazprombank was awarded "The Best Bank providing services to entrepreneurs" within the national contest "Best Entrepreneur of the Year"
- Belgazprombank became a member of VISA International Settlements Association
- Belgazprombank was recognized by IFC as the Most Active GTFP Issuing Bank in Europe and Central Asia for Energy Efficiency
- Eurasian Development Bank and Belgazprombank signed the framework agreement for financing of export and import operations performed by Belgazprombank’s customers
- Increase of TF limit from Gazprombank from USD 40 mln to USD 90 mln
- Attraction of USD 5 mln SME credit line from Gazprombank
- Attraction of USD 40 mln subordinated loan from Gazprombank
- STP Award 2010 from Commerzbank AG
- 2011 Elite Quality Recognition Award from JPMorgan Chase Bank
- The corporate website of Belgazprombank became the winner of the Internet-award "TIBO"
- Belgazprombank activated a new insurance service for owners of premium cards VisaGold, MasterCard Gold and Visa Platinum
- Belgazprombank joined the Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP) of IFC as a confirming bank
- Gazprom and Gazprombank invested USD 100 mln in the authorized fund of Belgazprombank
- The EBRD and Belgazprombank signed a mandate letter for providing Belgazprombank wtih another credit line for financing MSME in Belarus
- Belgazprombank implemented a unique art project in the form of the exhibition "Belarus-Born Artists of the School of Paris from the corporate collection of Belgazprombank, museums and private collections"
- Gratitude of the Minister of Culture to the Chairman of the Board of Belgazprombank Viktar Babaryka for long-term and frequent financial participation of the Bank in art projects supporting national culture
- The Board of Directors of the EBRD approved a EUR 10 mln for financing energy efficient projects in the framework of the Belarusian Sustainable Energy Financing Facility (BelSEFF)
- Belgazprombank and international payment system MasterCard announced launching of a unique technology PayPass in Belarus enabling noncontact electronic payments in trade-service network
- Belgazprombank attracted a USD 20 mln credit line from the EBRD for financing Belarusian MSMEs
- Belgazprombank attracted from the EBRD a USD 13 mln loan in the framework of the EBRD's Sustainable Energy Finance Facility in Belarus (BelSEFF)
- In January 2013 an exclusive art project recognized by the Belarusian experts as the main event of 2012 in the cultural life of the country came to the end in Minsk. Gomel became the first regional center that entertained works created by famous countrymen-artists of the School of Paris under the so-called "national tour"
- The Vitebsk Art Museum became the next that accommodated art project "Artists of the Paris School of Belarus. From the collection of Belgazprombank, museums and private collections"
- Paintings of Marc Chagall and Chaim Soutine replenished the art collection of the Bank
- At the XX International specialized forum on telecommunications, information and banking technologies TIBO-2013 Belgazprombank presented a new innovative product - a payment card NFC MasterCard Mobile PayPass
- On April 29 the new head office of Belgazprombank was founded
- Award "The most convenient Internet-banking" assigned to Belgazprombank in the framework of the event on banking services and technologies "Bank of the Year of Belarus" held by FINANCE.TUT.BY
- Belgazprombank attracted a new MSME credit line from the EBRD in the amount of USD 10 mln
- Belgazprombank provided a new service «Verified by Visa» based on the technology 3-D Secure (system of secure payments in the Internet) for Visa-cardholders
- The large-scale exhibition "Ten centuries of Belarus art" organized by the bank opened at the end of March in the National Art Museum
- Unique online resource artbelarus.by reflecting a new look at the history of the Belarusian art and culture launched by Belgazprombank
- First two-tier syndicated loan attracted by the Belarusian bank in the amount of EUR 30 mln for 5 years from the EBRD and other international investors
- Pilot project on financing business mortgage in Belarus in the framework of which the EBRD provided Belgazprombank a EUR 20 mln line for 7 years
- 1st place in the rating of effectiveness among Belarusian banks compiled by the informational and analytical agency "Business News"
- The catalog of the exhibition "Ten centuries of Belarus art" created by Belgazprombank in partnership with the publishing house "Four Quarters" won honorary diploma in the nomination "Grand Prix" of the XI International Competition "Art of Book"
- Series of documentary films «Artists of the School of Paris. Natives of Belarus" created as part of the national historical and cultural project "Art of Belarus" showed on the TV channel "Belarus-1"
- The exhibition "Artists of the Paris School of Belarus" held in Vilnius Picture Gallery
- Belgazprombank was recognized by experts as "The best bank for corporate customers" at the awarding ceremony in the field of banking services and technology "Bank of the Year 2013 in Belarus"
- Member of the Board of Directors of Belgazprombank Aleksander Meshkov was awarded the medal of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus "For outstanding merits"
- "Trade Award 2013" from Commerzbank AG for outstanding achievements in co-operation with the German bank in 2013 in financing of foreign trade
- Chairman of the board of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus S.N.Roumas and chairman of the board of Belgazprombank V.D. Babaryka signed an agreement on the financial support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Republic of Belarus in 2014
- "STP Quality Award January-June 2014" from Raiffeisen Bank International AG proved the recognition by the Austrian bank of the high quality of international payments made by the bank
- Loan attracted from the Eurasian Development Bank in the amount of USD 10 mln for 5 years within the Programme on developing agriculture
- Gold Award of the Banking Association for Central and Eastern Europe (BACEE) for transparency in financial reporting
- Fitch Ratings affirmed the long-term Issuer Default rating of Belgazprombank at "B-" with "Stable" outlook
- First correspondent accounts in RMB opened in Chinese banks – in RMB in Bank of China and in RMB and USD in Agricultural Bank of China
- Conclusion of framework agreement with Commerzbank AG (one of the largest CEE banks ) for raising long-term financing from German banks under ECAs' insurance cover
- Diploma "Patron of Culture of Belarus" awarded to Belgazprombank's chairman of the board
- Belgazprombank raised long-term subordinated loan from its shareholder – OAO Gazprom and Bank GPB (JSC) in the amount equivalent of USD 150 mln
- Silver medal in the category "Android Mobile Application - 2014" on the results of an independent study conducted by the informational and analytical portal infobank.by
- The new resource i24.by launched by Belgazprombank combined the functionality of internet banking, Internet payment system available to the holders of any payment card, online-applications and new crowdsourcing project to collect ideas
- Belgazprombank and Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus signed an agreement on the order of interaction in the framework of the financing of small and medium-sized business in 2015
- Representatives of Belgazprombank and AKA Ausfuhrkredit-Gesellschaft mbH signed an agreement for long-term financing of trade transactions between EU countries and Belarus under the cover of Euler Hermes and other EU ECAs
- Belgazprombank was the first Belarusian bank to confirm operations using biometric technology-based Touch ID
- Paintings from the corporate collection of Belgazprombank took part in an exhibition "Charm of Provence" opened at the Museum "Riga Bourse" in Latvia
- Documentary series "Painters of the School of Paris. Natives of Belarus" filmed under the auspices of Belgazprombank won the XI National TV Contest "Televershina" in the nomination "The best cultural-educational program"
- Release of mobile application for Android tablets and Apple iPads
- STP Award 2014 from Commerzbank AG (Germany)
- The paintings of the Belarusian artists Apollinaris Goravsky, Grigory Bobrov and Ferdinand Ruszczyc returned to Belarus joined the corporate collection of Belgazprombank
- Brest handball club named after Meshkov became the winner of the VIII International Tournament for the prizes of Belgazprombank
- The art project "Autumn Salon with Belgazprombank" held in Minsk Palace of Arts
- Head office of Belgazprombank moved to a new buildingText here....