
Annual message from the Head of the Collegial Executive Body Chairman of the Management Board to customers, partners and employees of Belgazprombank Dear Shareholders, Customers, Partners and Colleagues!

According to the performance results for 2019, Belgazprombank kept its leading positions by key indicators. Belgazprombank ranks 3rd in the banking system of the Republic of Belarus by assets, shareholders’ equity and authorized capital immediately following the largest state-owned banks.

In the reporting year Belgazprombank’s profit amounted to BYN 96.6 mln, assets were up to BYN 4973.3 mln, equity - up to BYN 750.4 mln. The return on equity and return on assets of Belgazprombank have exceeded the average level of these indicators in the banking sector of the country.

During 2019, Belgazprombank operated on a sustainable basis ensuring the strict compliance with all supervisory requirements and the development of new banking products. The rating agency Fitch Ratings affirmed the Long-term Issuer Default Rating of Belgazprombank at “B” with Stable Outlook and the Viability Rating at “b”.

At the beginning of the last year Belgazprombank became the first bank in Belarus which started issuing cards of the China international payment system UnionPay. Thereafter a new contactless payment service Garmin Pay was launched. Belgazprombank became the first and thus far is the only bank in our country providing this kind of service. And starting from 4 December 2019 holders of cards issued by Belgazprombank were provided the opportunity to use Apple Pay, an easy and secure payment tool completely changing the scope of mobile payments by offering speed and convenience. Thanks to Apple Pay users of iPhone, Apple Watch, iPad and Mac can now easily make purchases in stores, in apps as well as on websites.

In September, Belgazprombank introduced the first bank game application in Belarus Cashalot Catch. This is the mobile application combining an independent game plot, a banking product represented by the cashback card called Cashalot, and the functionality of mobile banking. The game is designed to promote positive consumer experience and interaction with banking products.

Belgazprombank's services as well as its projects in the sphere of Corporate Social Responsibility have traditionally been highly evaluated by experts and have been recognized within several thematic awards. In 2019, which was no exception, the bank received at least 15 awards. On 2 March 2019 in Silichy, the portal awarded the winners of the “Consumer Experience - 2018” in the framework of celebrating “Financial Pancake Week”. Belgazprombank won the largest number of awards (5!). The bank was awarded in the nominations “Payment Cards Transfers and Replenishment” (1st place), “iOS Mobile Bank” (1st place), “Android Mobile Bank” (2nd place), “Internet Banking” (3rd place) and “Payment Сard Appearance” (3rd place). It should be pointed out that the remote services of our bank receive positive feedback from specialists on a persistent basis.

Belgazprombank became the winner of the national initiative “Patron of the Culture of Belarus” according to the results of the year. The annual ceremony was held on 10 April 2019 in Minsk. Vladimir Sazhin, Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board of Belgazprombank, received the award directly from the hands of Yuri Bondar, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

On 25 April 2019, the results of the annual banking award “Bank of the Year 2018” were summed up in Dipservice Hall in Minsk. Belgazprombank was named the best in the categories “Top Manager - 2018” (Viktar Babaryka, Chairman of the Management Board of Belgazprombank) and “Corporate and Social Responsibility - 2018”. Moreover, Belgazprombank took third place in the nomination “Bank of the Year 2018: Best Among Large banks”.

On 31 May 2019, the awarding ceremony for the winners of the Competition for the Best Cooperation in the Banking and Financial Sector “Bank of the Year of the Industrial Park “Great Stone” was held in the China-Belarus Industrial Park “Great Stone”. Belgazprombank was awarded in the nomination “The best quality of Corporate and Retail Banking Services”.

In the framework of the International Economic and Investment Forum Belarus Crossway'19: at Full Sail, which took place on 19 September 2019 in Minsk under the auspices of the Development Bank of the Republic of Belarus, Belgazprombank was recognized as the leader of the project of support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Republic of Belarus on account of funds from Khalifa Fund for Enterprise Development (UAE).

For five consecutive years, the Development Bank awarded Belgazprombank as the best partner bank of the program of financial support to SMEs in the Republic of Belarus. Belgazprombank's significant contribution to support private business initiative was marked by the award of the Development Bank on 19 November 2019 during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW).

For the second year in a row, Belgazprombank received the prestigious international reward “STP Award Best in Class” from VTB Bank (Europe) SE for high quality of EUR customer payments. This award recognizes correspondent banks with the highest percentage of international commercial payments finalized without manual processing. As per estimates of VTB Bank (Europe) SE the level of STP payments sent by Belgazprombank in 2018 reached 99,9%.

Moreover, Belgazprombank won the "New Silk Road Finance Awards 2019" Award in the nomination "Best local bank in the region for BRI" of the reputable business edition Asiamoney.

On 28 November 2019, annual public hearings of socially responsible Belarusian companies arranged by the Foundation "Dobra" took place in Minsk. Belgazprombank received the gratitude from Marianna Shchetkina, national coordinator for achieving development goals, and the Foundation "Dobra" for a long-term contribution to the sustainable development of our country.

Providing support to national culture and art, as well as sports, remains an important area of Belgazprombank's activities. The twelfth traditional international handball tournament was held from 23 to 25 August 2019 in the Brest Palace of Sports "Victoria" named after A.P. Meshkov. It was the first time in five years that the home team did not win the Belgazprombank Cup, losing to the French "Nimes".

On 6 June in the park at 60/2 Pritytsky Street near the main office of Belgazprombank, the grand opening of the sculpture "Bearer of Gifts" by Ossip Zadkine took place. For one day the park was turned into the square named after the famous sculptor "Place de la Zadkine" and became a venue for holding a real art festival for Minsk citizens and guests.

The second international festival of art "Art-Minsk-2019" was held in the capital from 29 May to 30 June. Once again, the festival, supported by the bank, turned 16 exhibition areas in different parts of Minsk into one big and vivid gallery for a month. Minsk citizens and numerous guests of the capital were acquainted with works created by Belarusian and foreign authors.

The International Theatre Art Forum "TEART" was held in Minsk for the ninth time from 20 September to 8 October. During three eventful weeks citizens of Minsk had the opportunity to see 4 international performances and 11 events in the framework of the Belarus Open showcase. In October and November 2019, the Palace of Art successfully hosted the fifth annual exhibition and sale of works created by young Belarusian artists “Autumn Salon with Belgazprombank”.

The year 2019 was challenging. And it seems that 2020 will be even tougher. Against the backdrop of market turbulence and pandemic, we face not only financial and economic problems, but also political challenges. Nevertheless, I am confident that we will get everything over successfully, not least thanks to the professional team of Belgazprombank.

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